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Go Back to Basics this Lent with an Overview of Catholic Morality

Paolo Puccini, CSP presented the first of his 2-part overview of Catholic morality last Thursday at the CIC. He began with an exploration of the connection between morality, desire, and happiness. Since God calls us to a life of happiness, morality is intimately connected to our flourishing. The virtues of Temperance, Justice, Prudence, and Fortitude guide our actions on the road to happiness in this life.

For further reference, please visit the Catechism of the Catholic Church’s sections on Happiness, Human Virtues  and Sin. Paolo structured his presentation around themes from Dr. Mattison’s Introducing Moral Theology: True Happiness and the Virtues, which was published by Grand Rapids’ own Baker Publishing Group.

Join us this Thursday, February 22 as Paolo explores the Theological Virtues, which perfect and elevate our natural capacities for reason and happiness.