Tuesdays, September 29, October 27, & November 17, 7-8:30 p.m.
with Fred Johnson
Registration required – For social distancing, we have space for 6 people to attend in person at the CIC; wearing a mask is required. Others may watch via live-stream on our website.
(RSVP by September 24)
After Jesus ascended, he left us in the hands of the apostles, who were eventually succeeded by churchman, known as the “Fathers of the Church.” Who were these extraordinary holy men? How did their ideas, spiritual writings, and assemblies at early Ecumenical councils shape and form the Catholic faith we practice today? Join us as we gather over three sessions to learn about the ancient and rich history of the early Church and of giants like John Chrysostom, Jerome, and Augustine. ($10.00 donation per session requested) CFD: Theology
*** You may purchase the book at the Center office after September 6. Book cost: $16.00. If you wish, read pages 1-68 before the first session.