$10 donation suggested
In-Person (limited space)
Registration required
Creating Quilt Patches on Paper to make your broken parts whole. Brother Mickey will share his own Art and Reflections on the Healing Power of Beauty on our journey to Holiness and Wholeness. He will also guide you in a creative project on paper inspired by the Freedom Quilts of the Underground Railroad, and the quilts of Gee’s Bend- all designed to help you find inner peace through meditation.
Brother Mickey McGrath, OSFS paints, writes, and tells stories, then travels telling the many stories behind what he paints and writes. Brother Mickey majored in Art at Moravian College and later received an MFA in Painting at the American University. For eleven years, he was an associate professor of Studio Art and Art History at De Sales University. Since 2009, he has lived and worked in Camden, NJ where he furthered his art education in the context of social justice and finding beauty in the margin. He will be celebrating 43 years as a Religious Brother in the Oblates of St. Francis de Sales this year.