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Busy Person’s Retreat: Creating Space to Meet God in Everyday Life (in-person participation)

November 3, 2024 @ 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm

Sundays, November 3 & 17 onsite, and Monday, November 11, 7:30-9 p.m. online

Attend onsite

          November 3: Aquinas College, Donnelly Center, 157 Woodward Ln SE, Grand Rapids, MI 49506

          November 17: Catholic Information Center, 360 Division Ave S., Grand Rapids, MI 49503

Suggested donation $100

Co-sponsored by the Catholic Information Center and Dominican Center Marywood

Are you feeling fragmented, pulled in many directions and wish to center yourself in God’s love and care for you? Do you long to find God in your everyday life? Does a retreat sound wonderful but you can’t afford or take the time away for a few days elsewhere?

This retreat is for you! Catholic Information Center in collaboration with Dominican Center Marywood have designed an experience of retreating to weave into your regular life.

This unique retreat experience offers you collective space and personalized guidance to meet God within the fullness of your busy life. You can choose the in-person option or the virtual option (see below). In both, we gather once to learn and experience ways of encountering God in everyday life, followed by two weeks in which you will meet with a spiritual director that we provide, and a virtual check-in midway for reflection and sharing. We will then close together in community to integrate what we have experienced during this retreat. In all spaces, we will practice reflective listening so that we can hear the whispers of God within our lives.

“Come away to a deserted place all by yourselves and rest a while.” Mark 6:31

Spiritual Direction

The spiritual director is a companion to help hold sacred space to listen deeply. If you have never tried spiritual direction, this is a good introduction to see if it is a practice that God is inviting you into. Dominican Center Marywood will match you with a certified director. Be sure to fill out the pairing form during registration.

“In the spiritual life it’s much more important to know how to listen than to know how to talk…All one can do is walk with the other and help others rightly to hear themselves…When they are heard, it seems, they can begin to hear [God].” Richard Rohr, What the Mystics Know, 47-48

When we slow ourselves down enough to really listen, we encounter truth, we encounter God. We connect more deeply within ourselves, with others, and with God. Our fragmentation integrates and we discover what to hold on to, what to let go—vital actions for anyone in transition.

Come for some intentional time to meet with God within your life!

Register Here!


November 3, 2024
2:00 pm - 4:00 pm