Attend onsite or online
$ 25 suggested donation
Jesus promises all of us a particular judgment at the moment of our death in which he will reference the words and deeds of our life with his. As we get closer to our personal judgment day, we may wonder what else we can now do to prepare. This retreat provides a formula for reviewing your life in gratitude, honestly evaluating what you’ve done and failed to do, and offering several ways to enhance your life through praying, relating, worshipping, studying, and much more in the years you have left so that you can relish and not cower in your face-to-face meeting with the Lord. The retreat is based on the author’s book Reaching for Heaven: 14 Spiritual Goals as You Grow Older. Books will be on sale for $15 (cash, check, or Venmo). Also bring a Bible and a journal-style notebook.
Catholics who were formed in the faith as the Second Vatican Council was being rolled out and who experienced the freedom of a kid who didn’t have to come inside until the street lights came on and who came of age in the “Me Generation” 70s will enjoy sharing memories of those days as part of this retreat.
Michael Amodei is Executive Editor at Ave Maria Press, Notre Dame Indiana. He is the author of several books, including Reaching for Heaven: 14 Spiritual Goals as You Grow Older. He grew up in Southern California, attending CCD classes just as the Second Vatican Council opened and the Church was changing. He is a graduate of Loyola Marymount University and worked at St. Monica’s Catholic Church and School in Santa Monica before moving to Indiana in 1993. Mike is also the Field Supervisor at Notre Dame football games and a Little League baseball coach. He and his wife, Lisa, have four adult children and live in South Bend, Indiana.