Written by bestselling author, Dr. Brene’ Brown
Wednesday, October 24 & 31, 10 -11:30am
With Fr. Joachim Lally, CSP
In these two sessions Fr. Joachim explores what Dr. Brown means by “True Belonging” and her four practices of how true belonging requires us to be vulnerable, get uncomfortable and learn how to be with people without sacrificing who we are and what we value. In an age of increasing polarization, we will look at our experiences of courage, vulnerability, love, belonging, shame, and empathy. CFD: Spirituality ($10 donation per session requested)
Wednesday, Oct. 24: (First two Practices discussed.)
Wednesday, Oct. 31: (Last two Practices discussed.)
**Copies of this New York Times bestseller will be available for purchase at the CIC office.
Give Now by Selecting Quick Give or pay at class.
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