$15 donation suggested, lunch included
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On Corpus Christi Sunday (June 19), the Diocese will celebrate the beginning of the National Eucharistic Revival – a three-year grass roots movement culminating in a National Eucharistic Congress.
Throughout Christ’s journey on earth, he nourished his followers, with bread, wine, and fish. Christ continues to accompany, sustain, and nourish us in multiple ways in our life journey toward our eternal life. Join Sister Mary Kay Oosdyke in a reflection on our encounter with Christ in the Eucharist. Following the presentation, attendees enjoy continued conversation on the theme.
Sister Mary Kay Oosdyke, OP, PhD is a Dominican Sister of Grand Rapids currently involved in adult faith education and spiritual formation, after years of teaching theology and ministry in colleges and seminaries. She also served as director of Dominican Associates Formation for her congregation. The Dominican Order’s mission is to seek (through serious study and consistent prayer), to teach and to preach Truth, encompassing Jesus Christ and all created reality, for the glory of God and the salvation of the world.