Dismantling Environmental Racism: Promising Tools in the Laudato Si’ Toolbox
With special guest: Sister Damien Marie Savino, FSE, Ph.D.
Thursday, October 8, 7-8:30 p.m.
Registration Required: This will be Zoom presentation; a link will be emailed to you.
(RSVP by Oct. 5)
In honor of the fifth anniversary of Pope Francis’ encyclical Laudato Si’ and mindful of the current cultural situation, this program will address the realities of environmental racism. What spiritual and practical tools are available in Laudato Si’ to help us dismantle environmental racism and rebuild a more integral ecology? CFD: Evangelization
Sister Damien Marie Savino, FSE, is a Franciscan Sister of the Eucharist who holds a doctorate in Environmental Engineering and Masters degrees in Theology and Soil Science. Sister Damien Marie serves as the Dean of Science and Sustainability at Aquinas College. Prior to that, she was chair of the environmental science and studies department at the University of Saint Thomas in Houston, with a joint appointment in theology. She has also worked as an environmental consultant on soil and groundwater remediation of contaminated sites. Sister Damien Marie has lectured widely on Laudato Si’ and on themes related to ecological restoration, ecology and theology, and science and faith.
(This program is underwritten by the Fr. Joseph Gallagher, CSP, Legacy Fund)