Discussion Topic: Choice, Discernment and the Holy Spirit
Tuesday, September 18, 6-7:30pm
With Fr. Michael Hennessy, CSP
*Meeting at Brewery Vivant (925 Cherry St SE, Grand Rapids, MI 49506)
Registration Required: Call 616-459-7267 or email register@catholicinformationcenter.org
Our generation lives in a world of nearly unlimited choice, from the important (our careers, where to settle down) to the not-so-important (there are now over 60 different Oreo flavors). With so many options, it’s become harder and harder to make these choices and researchers tell us that the more options we have, the less satisfied we are with our choices.
The Holy Spirit can help! Come, learn about and discuss the process of discernment. What it is, how it works, and how it can help us make important choices and feel more at peace with them. Oreos included! CFD: Theology or Evangelization
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