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inSpirit: Living on the Edge of Chaos – A Reflection with Scripture

January 19, 2021 @ 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm

With Fr. John Kartje, Rector Mundelein Seminary

(RSVP by January 14)  Zoom Presentation

From Cain and Abel through the persecution of the early Church, the Bible is replete with accounts of fear and violence as reactions to God’s desire for humanity. What Sacred Scripture makes clear, however, is that there is a pathway through fear to hope. Join us as we carefully explore biblical examples to illustrate how the sweep of salvation history often follows a journey from order, through chaos, to a new reality shaped by the Kingdom of God.  CFD: Theology ($10 donation suggested)

Father John was ordained a priest for the Archdiocese of Chicago in 2002.  He has served in parish and campus ministry in both Chicago and Washington, DC, as well as Mundelein Seminary where he has taught scripture since 2009.  He was appointed the rector at Mundelein in 2015.  Father John holds doctorate degrees in scripture and in astrophysics.


The inSpirit series are co-sponsored by the Catholic Information Center and eCatechist


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January 19, 2021
7:00 pm - 8:00 pm


Online with Zoom


Fr. John Kartje, PhD