Tuesdays, April 2 & 9, 7-8:30 pm
Facilitated by John Graveline
How often have you heard (or perhaps thought yourself), “The Mass is boring. I don’t get anything out of it?” Tim O’Malley’s book of spiritual reflections on the Mass opens up avenues to understand and participate more fruitfully in the liturgy and offer a sketch of how a Eucharistic life can renew our hearts, our church, and the world. The first session will focus on chapters 1-14 (Introductory Rites through Liturgy of the Word). The second session will center on chapters 15-20 (Liturgy of the Word through Concluding Rites). Books are available at the Catholic Information Center and at Tim O’Malley’s presentation on March 28 ($10 donation per session requested.) CFD: Spirituality
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