As we heed the call for increased understanding and sweeping change to racial inequality and injustice, we are providing the opportunity to dialogue and learn more about the evil of Racism. Using, “Open Wide Our Hearts: The Enduring Call to Love,” a Pastoral Letter and study guide from the U.S. Council of Bishops, together as a community, we will set out on a pilgrimage with this purpose: to study and more deeply understand U.S. racial history and as a community, find ways to act together to dismantle this evil.
Below are links to the “Open Wide Our Hearts” document and study guide. Please take time to read it and to delve into the study guide. Use the registration links if you wish to join us for discussion groups. For your convenience you may choose to join either an evening or morning discussion group, beginning June 23. You will be emailed Zoom meeting links.
Discussion Group Registration (Zoom Meetings, click link to register)
Please register by Friday, June 19