Wednesday, November 11, 7-8:30pm
With Dr. John Pinheiro, Professor of History, Aquinas College
Registration Required: This will be a Zoom meeting, a link will be emailed to you. (RSVP by November 6)
The American bishops have called religious freedom “our first, most cherished liberty.” This talk will explore the background and goals of the First Amendment and look at key moments in the struggle by Catholics for religious liberty in American history. CFD: Spirituality ($10 donation
Dr. John Pinheiro is professor of history and the founding director of Catholic Studies at Aquinas College, where he also co-founded the popular Semester-in-Rome. He is the author of the award-winning Missionaries of Republicanism: A Religious History of the Mexican-American War (Oxford, 2014). His newest book is, The American Experiment in Ordered Liberty (Acton Institute, 2019).