Catholic Inquiry Class

Catholic Information Center 360 Division Ave S., Grand Rapids, MI, United States

Inquiry is an 11 week program designed to teach non-Catholics about the Catholic faith and way of life.

Biblical Institute for Michigan Catholics

Catholic Information Center 360 Division Ave S., Grand Rapids, MI, United States

Develop a deep understanding and love for sacred scripture.

Sacraments, Symbols and Rituals

Catholic Information Center 360 Division Ave S., Grand Rapids, MI, United States

Learn more about the meaning of Catholic Sacraments, Symbols and Rituals.

Lies My Enemy Tells Me

Catholic Information Center 360 Division Ave S., Grand Rapids, MI, United States

What do our Baptismal promises mean to our daily lives?

Visual prayer

Catholic Information Center 360 Division Ave S., Grand Rapids, MI, United States

Explore ways to create your own visual response to scripture.

Divorce Support Group

Catholic Information Center 360 Division Ave S., Grand Rapids, MI, United States

Group support for those who are divorced or are in the process of divorce.

Las Mentiras Que Mi Enemigo Me Cuenta

Catholic Information Center 360 Division Ave S., Grand Rapids, MI, United States

¿Qué significan nuestras promesas bautismales para nuestra vida diaria?

Dante: His Life, Works and Relevance Today

Catholic Information Center 360 Division Ave S., Grand Rapids, MI, United States

An introduction to Dante, his life, times and works, including The Divine Comedy.

Liderazgo Basado en la Biblia

Catholic Information Center 360 Division Ave S., Grand Rapids, MI, United States

Jesús nos ofrece un ejemplo de liderazgo através de lo cual sirvió, guió, y fortaleció a personas.