Divorce Support and Recovery Group

Catholic Information Center 360 Division Ave S., Grand Rapids, MI, United States

Group support for those who are divorced or are in the process of divorce.

70th Anniversary Family Festival

Cathedral of St. Andrew

Celebrating 70 years of Catholic Information Center and Paulist Fathers in West Michigan.

Lecturas Para Meditar

Catholic Information Center 360 Division Ave S., Grand Rapids, MI, United States

“Para aprender acerca del corazón humano dependemos de las experiencias vitales y de los guías que encontramos a lo largo del camino. Estas páginas ayudarán al lector a reconocer muchas características del corazón: Un corazón amable. Un corazón humilde. Un corazón que no juzga. Un corazón que celebra. Un corazón que confía... Le asegurarán que […]

SoulCollage® Workshop

Catholic Information Center 360 Division Ave S., Grand Rapids, MI, United States

A creative workshop for inner reflection and spiritual growth.

Paperback Picnic: Barking to the Choir

Catholic Information Center 360 Division Ave S., Grand Rapids, MI, United States

A book discussion about Fr. Gregory's lessons on faith after working with gang members for three decades.

Divorce Support and Recovery Group

Catholic Information Center 360 Division Ave S., Grand Rapids, MI, United States

Group support for those who are divorced or are in the process of divorce.