Sharing My Personal Story (April)

Catholic Information Center 360 Division Ave S., Grand Rapids, MI, United States

Using questions and your responses Sr. Mary Kay will help you share your wisdom with the children in your life.

Putting the Zing in Evangelizing

Catholic Information Center 360 Division Ave S., Grand Rapids, MI, United States

Four gospel stories that show how Jesus calls us to bring the Good News to the world.

Catholicism: The Pivotal Players

Catholic Information Center 360 Division Ave S., Grand Rapids, MI, United States

A four week film series and discussion on the lives of St. Francis of Assisi and G. KI. Chesterton.

La Liturgia de la Eucaristía

Catholic Information Center 360 Division Ave S., Grand Rapids, MI, United States

En la Eucaristía nos unimos ya a la liturgia del cielo y los unos a los otros. Venga a conocer más sobre la liturgia eucarística en la cual Dios nos lleva hacia la comunión con él y con los demás, formándonos y transformándonos para que vivamos siendo el Cuerpo de Cristo en el mundo. CFD: […]

The Virtue of Resilience

Catholic Information Center 360 Division Ave S., Grand Rapids, MI, United States

Learn the skills necessary in building the virtue of resilience and healing.

Blessed Stanley Rother

Catholic Information Center 360 Division Ave S., Grand Rapids, MI, United States

Fr. Steve Dudek shares the remarkable story of an Oklahoma priest who was martyred in Guatemala.