Dear Friends,
This month is a dedicated to the enduring value of gratitude. November starts with a reminder to pray for all the souls of the faithful departed who continue their journey to eternal life accompanied by the perpetual light of Christ. It is a jolting yet beautiful realization that we are NOT in control of many things in life. This realization reminds us that every day is a gift and that we need not delay in reminding our loved ones how much we love and appreciate them.
We continue the month by giving thanks for the gift of faith, especially grateful to the multitude of saints who, despite their human weakness and vulnerabilities, were able to persevere in living in the Spirit with courage and humility. In many ways, saints knew who they were and who God was. They knew not to sweat the small stuff while keeping focused on things that matter and endure.
The month ends with a profound acknowledgement of God’s actions in our life, attentive to the presence of God when we gather with friends, family and loved ones to celebrate Thanksgiving Day. This year, I am especially grateful for 70 years of Paulist ministry at the Catholic Information Center. The testimonials and stories shared at the Mass and dinner celebrating our 70th anniversary were humbling and edifying at the same time. It is a testament to how God encounters the best of us when we gather to grow in faith and build the community of believers.
We at the CIC offer our biggest THANKS to you for being partners in our mission through your heartfelt prayers, program participation, and generous contributions! With prayerful best wishes for a joyful Thanksgiving celebration to you and your love ones, I remain:
Ever grateful,
(Rev.) René Constanza, CSP