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Great Conversation at Holy Brew!

Franciscan Sr. Maria Serra Garcia and Paulist Fr. René Constanza met with a group of young adults this March, at the Harmony Hall Brewing Company to chat about life, love and anything in between.

Attendee Veronica A. writes: “Being new to Grand Rapids, everyone there was so welcoming and encouraging.  Not only did I meet some cool Catholics, but they also told me about other Catholic groups that met on a regular basis so that I could stay involved.”

The group met on two consecutive Tuesdays. The event, called Holy Brew, offered Catholics in their 20’s and 30’s a chance to enjoy food, drink and great conversation.  “It was easy to dive into enjoyable, thought-provoking conversation with Fr. René and Sr. Maria Serra and the welcoming friendly group at Holy Brew.  I raise my glass to this ministry!” said Greg G. who also attended.